10 Coolest Offline Twitter’s Fail Whales
Internet realia gets more and more visibility in the “offline” (“real”) world. Here’s one genius example: awesome offline interpretations of Twitter’s fail whale:
1. Sand fail whale
2. Fail whale embroidery
3. Fail whale kid (just couldn’t resist)
4. Fail whale hat
5. Fail whale oil painting
6. Fail whale card
Now I just want to see fail whale business cards and fail whale credit cards. Now wait! With the latter getting a free credit score would be so much more fun!
7. Fail whale pumpkin
8. Fail Whale Martini
The best part is the color of the drink:
9. Fail whale egg
10. Fail whale tattoo
(I admire the dedication, but still… )
These are fantastic! but check out the ones I have designed.. you will love these
That second tattoo looks like it might be a problem…. but I love the rest of them.