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10 Great Travel Twitter Accounts You Should Follow

Twitter may the fastest growing social media network and is a great way for sharing thoughts, comments and ideas, but with millions of users tweeting dozens of times a day Twitter can get a bit overwhelming. Narrow down your search for useful information and go straight the source of useful travel tips, interesting facts and hot travel deals by following these Twitter travel accounts.

1. Melvin@Travel Dudes –!/traveldudes

Melvin is the charismatic pint-swiller of Travel dudes and has a pretty good number of tweeters following him. Always on hand to offer handy travel tips and insights into new and exciting adventures he is also picking up a healthy number of followers on his travel blog.

2. Boots ´n´ All –!/BootsnAll

Boots ´n´ All is one of the leading online travel blogs targeting the more unusual travel destination and the even more unusual thing to do there once you arrive. They don´t do mundane, ordinary and done before, only unique events in less travelled destinations or the same old things done in a different way. If you like adventure but looking for something different then out on your boots ´n´All.

3. GoMad Nomad TravlMag –!/gomadnomad

Gomad Nomad is a new world of travel stories full of interesting facts, useful tips and amusing quips. Credit where credit is due, the Gomad Nomad not only tells you what to do in certain countries and situations, he also tells you what not to do – usually because he finds out the hard way. You can learn from other people´s mistakes – but only if they are brave enough to admit to them. Fortunately for you, Gomad is!

4. Destination TravlMag –!/DestinationsMag

You know a good Tweeter when you find an account that has more followers than people they are following. That´s experience, and Destination TravlMag as 6000 more people in tow than they are chasing mainly due to the hot new travel options they report.

5. The Budget Travel –!/BudgetTravel

As they rightly claim, The Budget Travel makes travelling accessible to all and point you in the right direction to pick up a bargain holiday as well as offering many useful and practical ways of saving money whilst you are travelling.

6. The Expeditioner –!/TheExpeditioner

Keeps up-to-date with travel news and offers handy tips with links to top ten links and useful guides. The expeditioner´s main focus is to offer news from with inside the tourism industry that has a more cutting edge than your usual travel writers.

7. Heather Poole!/Heather_Poole

Heather Poole is a lovely blonde flight attendant and blogger with a sense of humour. Noted for her quirky quips, sharp-tongued jibes and the occasional news item, Heather is flying high with over 82,000 followers and has published a New York Times best seller, Cruising Attitude.

8. Travel Deals!/traveldeals

If you´re a fan of budget holidays, Travel Deals tweets them. Get your suitcases ready, because you could be flying tomorrow.

9. Traveler´s Way!/thetravelersway

A new online travel magazine with great advice about new things to try when you´re on holiday and new places to go to do the new things to try. Pretty much all-round good advice.

10. Sherman´s –!/ShermansTravel

Sherman´s travel are a travel agents with the fingers firmly on the pulse when it comes to spotting hot, hot, hot of the press deals. That alone should make them ones to watch, but in addition they also offer expert travel advice and give travellers the nod for upcoming events, gigs and festivals.

The Naked Traveller –!/JohnAudreyJones

If you want something different The Naked Traveller exposes things you´re not supposed to know about the world and promotes often “controversial” knowledge about ancient civilisations that modern man should know about. Extraordinary reporting reveals fresh, gripping content that can either be considered contentious, thought-provoking or just down-right bizarre. Readers should keep an open mind.

For al your holiday apartment rental needs visit – checkout their Twitter account at!/HouseTrip.

Image Credits: Twitter1 & Twitter2.

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