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5 Ways to Make Your Facebook Fan Page Work

facebook fan pageA company Facebook fan page that doesn’t interact with its fans is likely to lose them along with its online presence.

In order to get the most out of your company’s Facebook page, you have to keep in constant contact with fans, much like Facebook users keep in contact with their friends and family on a regular basis.

With that in mind, here are five ways to make your company’s Facebook page work for your business and its fan base:

1. Interaction is the Best Action

Facebook is all about interacting with an online community, which should be at the heart of your business’s Facebook fan page. After all, a true fan should adore your company and have a reason to visit its page.

A great way to not only get fans to your page, but keep them coming back, is by asking fans questions in order to encourage conversations. Likewise, entertaining content like photos, videos, and weekly fan giveaways are all ways to make your Facebook fan page work like it’s supposed to.

2. Share Everything

Adding a “share button” to your business’s Facebook fan page will get your fans spreading the word. And, as with everything business oriented, word-of-mouth marketing it probably the best form of marketing possible, especially in the world of social media.

It’s quick and easy to add a “share button” to your Facebook page and the page traffic that’s likely to result is well worth the minimal effort. As long as your business provides share-worthy content, your fans will do the footwork for you.

3. Be Fan Inspired

The only thing better than talking about your own products and services is letting your customers do it for you.

So, encourage fan inspired posts containing videos and photos of your business’s products in action or simply ask your fans for testimonial posts describing some of their favorite things about you business.

In fact, why not take the fan inspiration to the next level by making it a contest. By offering coupons and freebies to the fans with the best videos or funniest testimonials concerning your business, you’ll make your Facebook fan page a customer go-to.

4. Think Short and Sweet

Status updates are great, but really long, drawn-out status updates will likely receive the cold shoulder from fans. In fact, Facebook users are widely known to have an 80 character or less attention span.

If your business’s updates and posts tend to run on the long side, no need to worry. Simply break up the written content with supporting photos and videos embedded within the post. And, as always, keep your content casual; social media is all about readability.

5. Perfect Timing

If you don’t want all those entertaining and engaging company posts and updates to get lost in the Facebook shuffle, it’s important to know when your target audience is online and post accordingly. This, of course, takes a little market research.

In order to ensure your Facebook fan page efforts are seen, try to be as active as possible in the morning, during lunch, and both nights and weekends. And, if the late teen and early twenty crowds are your audience, shoot for being most active between 8pm and midnight.

By combining the tips above with a lively, interactive, and useful fan page, your business’s Facebook efforts won’t go unnoticed.

About the Author: Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including social media, how to rank first on Google, and business.

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