Hottest News on Social Media

BRRWR Sharing is Caring is a site that’s hoping to grow by getting people to help their fellow man by letting them borrow the things they need. As with many recent social start-ups new users are confronted with a single question, in this case “I want to borrow…”, upon filling in the information the website will attempt to help the user find someone who will be willing to lend them the item in question.

The system works by connecting to users Facebook accounts, it then collects information regarding the members geographic location and maintains access so that it can make announcements on peoples walls. Not only will BRRWR makes automated announcements on Facebook to help people let friends know they are looking to borrow something, but it will also help connect members with people in the local area (presumably only other users of the site) who may also be willing to lend them the required item.

With the recent economic downturn any system which brings people together and helps them saves money is a good thing, but I’m not entirely convinced this type of website is necessarily a good idea. Asking to borrow something from a friend for short term use in order to save money is certainly a good idea and not that much of an issue to do, but is there really any need for an App to post the Facebook message to your friends for you? In my opinion not really.

The strength (or weakness) of BRWWR revolves around the idea of pairing you up with complete strangers who may be able to lend you the items you need. Though personally I don’t think many people are actually going to be interested in loaning their possessions out to strangers.

Goodwill websites like have done well because people are getting rid of stuff they don’t need and they don’t expect to see the goods bought back again. By Freecycling members get to feel good about helping other people out instead of throwing stuff away, whilst someone else gets something they needed for free, so everyone is happy.

The trouble with borrowing is inevitably people are mostly going to want to borrow valuable items (ones they cant afford), without offering any form of protection to ensure the items are given back to the owner (after all they aren’t renting the item). As a result this could end up being a real hassle for people who originally just wanted to help someone in their community out. In principle it works well for small groups of friends or neighbors, but expanding the idea beyond that may prove to be difficult. could well turn out to be the successful, social and safe borrowing community it hopes to be. It’s a gamble (for the site owners and users), though it  will definitely be interesting to see if this is a concept that will be well received by the masses.

Posted in Social Startups. Tags: ,

5 Replies

  1. Date your fucking stories

  2. inthistogether Jun 18th 2011

    Please delete the comment above :-))
    It IS inappropriate!!

  3. I for one am thankful for the article, whether dated or not.

  4. Thanks for letting know more people about the site. Am not sure if it going to work out though , people are not exactly angels….

    Oh and date your f….just kidding ! And beside – we know the date by comments !

  5. Lol, dated or not, it has good advice.

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