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5 Good Tips to Gaining Twitter Followers and 1 Bad Tip

Twitter has been gaining a lot of headway lately and with the new user interface you can be sure to see an increase in usage. You are going to want to get a hold of some followers along the way to build your social network. It isn’t always easy to gain followers and some people do not know who to go about it.

twitterHaving a large group of followers is very beneficial for many different reasons. It is good for business, networking, staying connected, and of course your enjoyment. Here are a number of ways to find some twitter followers.

Number 5 – Make Sure You Have a Bio

Having a bio is the best way to sum up who you are, what you do, and where to find you. Without a bio you are most likely going to be overlooked if someone happens to glance at your profile.

Number 4 – Retweet Others

If you retweet others then they will be happy you put them in your consideration. Then they are more likely to follow you and share your page with others.

Number 3 – Use Your Twitter ID

In every email you send you should include a reference to your Twitter Page. Why not? It is simple to do and with all the emails you are most likely sending it is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.

Number 2 – What’s Trending

See what is trending. Then, try to tweet something that you think will be of value to someone. Then if someone comes across your tweet and they like it, you will have better chances of being followed.

Number 1 – Use Hashtags

This is the best way to share interests and gain followers that may be related to you in some way. For example, if you are promoting your SEO Company then you will want to make sure you use #SEO in a few of your hashtags.

One Bad Idea

The ideas above are great to find some Twitter followers. One tactic that I have seen that I would not recommend to anyone is tweet baits. Tweet baits are when someone goes around following countless people, so that they get an email notification and then un-follow you instantly. You are not informed via email when someone un-follows you, so most likely you will assume that they are still following you. This can get you penalized and possibly removed from Twitter.

There you have it! Five great ways to start finding some followers on Twitter along with one bad example.  Start building up a following for Twitter and use social networking to your advantage. Social networking can only help you in all aspects of interaction. Tweet Tweet!

This article was written by Ben Anderson. Ben is a tech blogger who likes to share many topics from social media to web design. He believes anyone trying to gain a successful online preseance should first look to a Web Development Service.

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2 Replies

  1. Hey Ben,

    Really cool tips man, I think the only practice I wasn’t doing is including my tweeter ID on my e-mail campaigns.

    I was thinking of including some sort of a signature which included links to my social media platforms, but somehow I keep leaving that for later.

    Going to do that asap, thanks!


  2. I think I have realized why I don’t have many followers and now I have the secrets. I’m going to beat my friends on that considering the 5 ways especially when using hash tags.

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