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A New Way To Gain Followers

FollowersAs a business, the three main goals are increasing engagement with followers, directing more traffic to your site and above all else, expanding your online audience. Everyone is always looking for new ways to bring in followers; well I think this tactic may be one that has been underutilised for a long time.

Follow the Right People

Let’s go back to the basics of Twitter. You follow someone because you are interested in what they have to say, with the off chance of you replying, retweeting or favouriting their content. If you are creating an account for a business, or even to represent yourself as an individual for a business, then your interests are going to be industry related. This means that you will want to be following influential people and brands within your sector.

Primarily, this will keep you up to date with all the latest news and developments that are relevant to you, but also it will give you the opportunity to build a relationship with these people. By doing this, you build connections with new people, open new doors and opportunities. Most importantly, your new connections are more than likely to share your content and recommend you as a knowledgeable Twitter user to follow. These newly found friends have their own audience who are now also being exposed to your content, which gives you a great opportunity to expand your following.

This Is How We Do It

This sounds like a great plan but how do we make it happen? First off, we need to have a solid social media strategy that would give someone a good reason to follow you. Once that is in place you can begin networking.

No One Likes A Kiss Ass

It’s true, brown nosing will get you far, but not to the top and if that’s not your goal you’re in the wrong game. To build relationships with people, telling them that their content is great will only get you so far, these influential people already have thousands of people doing this; you need to be different and stand out from the crowd. That will get you the attention you need to build a relationship with these individuals.

Thinking of what to say is difficult, nobody can argue with that. As I said earlier you need to be different. Adding something to their content is always a good start, if you can say something that they didn’t know, and then you will be one step closer to being seen as an influential user. Depending on your business you could afford to be a little edgy, which if you do it correctly, can provide great results which will help build relationships and more followers further down the line.

Life’s A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Realistically, not everyone you attempt to engage with is going to return the favour and you could end up wasting your time. To have an effective social campaign, you need to regularly review who you are following along with trying to keep numbers low and manageable.

After about a month of trying to engage with accounts, you should be able to look through your following list and decide if you are getting anywhere with a certain account, if they’re not playing ball, then unfollow them and follow someone new that you could engage with.

By adding this strategy to your social media campaign, you increase your chances to bring in a larger audience that are relevant and interactive along with building your online reputation and brand authority.

Image Credit: followers.

As the CEO of Absolute Digital Media, Ben Austin has worked in the industry for five years, developing an in depth knowledge of all areas of online marketing, including SEO, PPC, content marketing and social media engagement. He is continually seeking ways to drive the business forward to compete with the biggest names in the sector.





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  1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post! I hope that you can apply it to your own strategies to better your performance.

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