Hottest News on Social Media

Senior Citizens and Social Media

seniorEveryone is doing it now.

From the young to the elderly – they are all into it. What you may ask – social media that’s what. It’s not just for the 20 something’s – you’ll find retirees, grandmas, and innovative seniors browsing and claiming social media.

Seniors are participating in Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Not only is it just plain fun, but it also has some great benefits.

1. Social Media Keeps Connections Close

Social media is one of the best ways to keep in touch these days. Everyone is busy, and phone calls don’t get made very much anymore, much less letters written.

For seniors with large, spread out families, it’s an ideal way to see what’s going on with everyone. They can immediately see posts, photos, and videos of grandchildren from their first steps to a winning jump in a horseshow. Maybe they can’t be at these events physically, but with social media, they can see and share in them.

It’s also fun to read all the comments other friends and family members post and some fun conversation can get started. Don’t forget the share key, either; by sharing the posts, all their friends can see the adorable photos, too.

Social media is a much easier way to share pictures and events than making copies of photo prints and sending them out weeks later.

2. Social Media Forms Community and Reconnections

It’s not all about the grandchildren; seniors do have their own interests, too.

Maybe gardening or golfing is a big part of life. Join those social media groups and it’s a great way to be involved. Reading groups, travel clubs and pretty much anything else can be involved in social media.

It’s also a great way to find old friends and reconnect with people from the past, whether work, school or any other past friendships. Who knows which good friends from the past are waiting on social media?

3. Social Media Helps You Stay Current

Staying current helps keep seniors young.

When they are with family and younger friends, knowing a bit about social media keeps them in the know. Rarely does a day go by without someone mentioning Facebook, so when seniors are with their family and friends, they can chime in, too.

4. Social Media Adds Peace of Mind

Just like staying connected for fun and family purposes, social media is a good way to continually check in on friends and family to afford peace of mind.

Seniors can check in quickly with family and friends to make sure all is okay, just as younger family members can keep an eye on the older generation through social media.

Social media is an excellent connection tool for everyone.

Seniors can friend their grandchildren and see what’s going on their lives as well as maintain their own interests and favorite connections and groups. Just like anyone, though, seniors need to be aware of social media scams and dangers.

Be careful of posting personal information, from social security and banking information to vacation plans and home addresses.

About the Author: Heather Legg is a writer who covers a variety of topics from social media to small business to how to remove information.

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