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10 Coolest Offline Twitter’s Fail Whales

Internet realia gets more and more visibility in the “offline” (“real”) world. Here’s one genius example: awesome offline interpretations of Twitter’s fail whale:

1. Sand fail whale

Sand fail whale

2. Fail whale embroidery

Fail whale embroidery


3. Fail whale kid (just couldn’t resist)

Fail whale kid


4. Fail whale hat

Fail whale hat

5. Fail whale oil painting

Fail whale oil painting


6. Fail whale card

Now I just want to see fail whale business cards and fail whale credit cards. Now wait! With the latter getting a free credit score would be so much more fun!

7. Fail whale pumpkin

Fail whale pumpkin 


8. Fail Whale Martini

The best part is the color of the drink:

Fail Whale Martini


9. Fail whale egg

Fail whale egg

10. Fail whale tattoo

(I admire the dedication, but still… )

Fail whale tattoo


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4 Replies

  1. These are fantastic! but check out the ones I have designed.. you will love these :)

  2. That second tattoo looks like it might be a problem…. but I love the rest of them.

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