Anyone out there with an online business has probably discovered by now that Twitter is the place to be. If you are just getting started, it may seem confusing about following and getting followed, especially in how many followers you may need overall.… Read more
According to , a popular Facebook blog, the favored social media platform is in the black to the tune of $700 million and on track toward a whopping $1.1 billion revenue for 2010.… Read more
It may seem crazy, but in all honesty, many blogs are taking a different approach to the whole commenting system. We’ve always come to view comments as a major part of a blog, and in truth it is, but what happens when things get out of hand?… Read more
Organizations small and large can benefit from the new obsession with social media. Communication in any organization is an essential function of getting the job done. Organizations and businesses have internal communication needs, external communication needs and then public information sharing. … Read more
I don’t want to write MySpace off too quick, but it seems that the social network is lagging behind Facebook a bit these days. That said, with a new CEO at the helm, they are trying innovation including adding a bunch of features that will bring users back to the site more often.… Read more
There are not really many good Digg tools to play with and the following one is a nice exception from the rules:
Digg FireFox Extension offers an array if options which make web browsing enjoyable.… Read more
How many places are you trying to keep up with? Just for once sit down and try to count. I don’t remember doing that for ages, the only obvious answer is “Too many”. Therefore I was actually great to come across these two apps visualizing web life in the form of mice-looking charts:… Read more
It has always been quite a shaky ground verifying your online identity and proving you look exactly like you want people believe you do. It is so easy to find a less popular celebrity photo, save it at your computer and then upload each time you register a new social media profile.… Read more
If you are an active Digg user discovering and submitting several stories a day, you must be struggling to keep track of all of them. Luckily, there’s a handy web-based tool that will allow you to make sure you know which stories shared by you are receiving some traction.… Read more
Audience members were recently blown away by the famed Rasmussen brothers at Google’s annual I/O developer’s conference when they unveiled their newest full-scale project, Wave. Lars and Jens Rasmussen earned fame (and a small fortune) when they sold what we all now know as Google Maps to the firm in 2005, and now they want to replace E-mail. No… Read more