There are some search engines that immediately come to mind when you conjure a mental list. Google, Yahoo and Bing are almost always going to be the three that are put ahead of the rest. But these are usually only good for basic searches, not live results. When you want to get the best live results on the web, where… Read more
If you love taking quizzes (most of us do, I guess) and you have a free minute to spare, here are a few fun quizzes I stumbled when browsing through ProProfs quiz software:
Are You Addicted to Twitter? (contains 11 questions, over than a year old) Since you are reading this blog, you might be. Let’s check!
Which Type of… Read more
There was always the need for a social web browser as we all use a lot of social media and social networking as part of our day to day life. Flock was previously claimed to be a social browser but lately users lost interest in flock. One of the possible reasons that made users to leave flock was the frequent… Read more
Do you want to boast about your latest holiday and show everyone what a great time you had while they have been working? Or maybe you finally want to hear what your friends really think of you?
Here are 3 great Facebook apps for those who like to share:
1. Where I’ve Been
This app allows you to stick virtual…
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Embedly is a WordPress plugin that offers an easy way to embed any content (including Tweets) to your web pages. Enjoy!
We built the Embedly plugin not to compete with Embeds in WordPress, but to expand the number of providers they offer. With the plugin right now, 14 becomes 73 with a few clicks. So let’s look at the Plugin.
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Ever wonder if you should have your social media contact information on your business card? If you already do, your card may look something like this:
Your Name
Company Address
Telephone Number
Cell Number
Fax number
Email address
Twitter handle
Facebook page address
Linked In profile address
Pretty soon business executives and salespeople will have to exchange 8 ½… Read more
Some people have been test driving the ‘new’ Twitter format since mid-September but now it is a permanent fixture. In addition to a wider page there are options to view the timeline, mentions, retweets, and lists.
The right hand page has a complete redesign and offers suggestions for followers, trends and an easy access to favorites. These changes have resulted… Read more
Who doesn’t want to live healthier? Healthy living has found it’s way into mainstream social media with “health month: the game” – a game that takes the science of changing behaviors and nutrition education to help people improve their health in a fun and sustainable way.
When you sign up for the game (free!) at Health Month you’ll create the… Read more
Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook founder, gave a scheduled meeting to make new Facebook announcements. Although there was some speculations and rumors floating around that Facebook was going to buyout Twitter or Skype or YouTube, that proved to be unfounded. Among the announcements were the ability to download your private information and new interface on how to build groups and friends lists.… Read more
One of the most annoying aspects of the fractured social platforms many of us make use of around the web on a daily basis, is that they are spread out all over the place. hopes to remove the frustration of trying to manage a large number of web 2.0 accounts, by providing a social aggregator under which all accounts… Read more