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Fiverr Experiment – What Would You Do For $5?

Ever wonder just what some people would do for five bucks? It is, after all, a nice, round amount and can buy any number of things: a fast food lunch combo, a drink during Happy Hour or a video rental. Yes, ladies and gents, five bucks is five bucks, any way you slice it. With this revelation in their arsenal,… Read more


Tired of Waiting for Dinner Service? There’s an App to Help

Ever show up at a restaurant absolutely famished only to find out there is a 45 minute wait before you can be seated? Well, who hasn’t? Now there is a new solution for skipping the wait and never having to sit wait for your vibrator to go off before being seated at your favorite restaurant. The Onion’s AV Club has… Read more

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MicroJob: Making Personal Social Media Profitable

There is a huge amount of money to be made for the people running the various successful social media platforms, mostly generated in the form of advertising to the millions of people using sites like Facebook and Twitter everyday. is a site that’s aiming to bring potential advertisers together with social media account owners to produce a new form Read more

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Do you Squidoo?

Squidoo, the cool site with the funny name, is the brainchild of marketing guru Seth Godin. Squidoo works a little differently from most social media sites in that it allows you to create as many pages as you want (on Squidoo, pages are called “lenses”) but it’s not a site that focuses on massive friending and following. The emphasis is… Read more


How to Incorporate Twitter to Increase Exposure to Any Event

If you have an event coming up whether it is a business expo or a small local community fundraiser, Twitter can be used to increase attendance and draw attention to your cause. Consistency is key to getting the attention you want but there are some things you need to do to make an effective marketing campaign. Create a Special AccountRead more

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Old MacDonald Ain’t the Only One with a Farm

“Making hay while the sun shines” was a popular saying in the farming world of yesteryear. These days it may even be as popular. If you don’t harvest those crops FarmVille might let them wither and die. Zynga’s FarmVille is one of the biggest draws on Facebook. Planting, tending, watering and harvesting virtual crops so that bigger and bigger farm… Read more


Lost and Weary Travelers Seek Refuge in Social Media

Recent aircraft cancellations resulting from volcanic ash have drawn people together more than was realized. Not only are people developing groups to commiserate on the recent termination of flights in European air space but also to assist fellow travelers. Social media groups are popping up to assist stranded families, friends and neighbors. To take the frustrations out of being left… Read more


Quick Tips for Avoiding Twitter Burnout

Twitter never stops. All day long, people are Tweeting their hearts out. Keeping up with it all while making sure you’re maintaining the interest of your followers can be overwhelming. If you let it get to you, you’ll get burnt out quickly. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to avoid Twitter burnout. Start by following these tips, and… Read more


Introducing the iTunes App on Facebook!

Let’s see a show of hands of all of the people out there currently using the App Store more than they should! The App Store is a popular iTunes feature available for any Apple users to download a number of different applications to their devices. And it can be quite addicting…Read more


The Best Business Strategies for Social Media

As a small or large business online, social media should be one of your main focuses. You can start out by creating several social media profiles, which will allow you the perfect platform to expand your brand and increase traffic to your website.… Read more