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It seems like the world has gone absolutely App crazy. Every day on my Facebook feeds I see that another person has added a new App to their phone and hooked it up so all their friends can see them having fun with their new toy.
Which is why, a social network built around people who love mobile phone… Read more
If you’ve ever found yourself watching a big game by yourself, then you’ll know it is nowhere near as much fun as when there are other people around to enjoy it with you. Arguments over the game, moaning about players, sharing in the triumphs of your team with like minded fans as they score the winning point, all these things… Read more
Are you one of the many people that regularly sends text messages instead of a phone call or email? If so, then you should give Pulse.To a try, a new web and phone based social platform, built around mass text messaging.
Being able to send a specific text to more than one person is nothing new, in fact most modern… Read more
Making it as a professional artists, of any kind, can be incredibly difficult. The avenues into employment often seen obscure and esoteric in nature, with people finding it hard to get noticed by prospective clients. This is because large scale publishers and design agencies have their own ways of recruiting creative workers, whilst companies who may need to hire the… Read more
When social networking first arrived on the web it was all about connecting with people you know, in order to share interesting content and experiences with each other. This form of networking encouraged the growth of platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, enabling them to become ways in which people could easily interact on mass with their families, friends and… Read more
One of the great things about social media is that it has made it easier than ever to get your message across to a wide range of people. By now we all know how it works, one cool video or awesome event gets put up on someones wall, some of their friends copy it (giving it exposure to a whole… Read more
Frugality reigns supreme in the minds of many cost-conscious Americans. Still, no matter how hard we try to clip and save using traditional manufacturers coupons, we still keep forgetting to bring them when we shop.
Well, frugalistas unite. Shooger is here to save the day (and the money)!
Shooger is a couple platform for those on the go. The application… Read more
In a world where parents often don’t find out about popular websites until their children have already stopped using them, many are concerned about the unrestricted flow of information now available to young children, as well as the safety issues raised by allowing them unrestricted access to social areas of the net. Dizeo is hoping to help alleviate some of… Read more
Are you familiar with RSS? Maybe you are but most people are not. Most RSS readers are complex tools, appealing only to early adopters. However, the “RSS reader for the masses” is already in existence. It is your Facebook News Feed.
What has been missing is the ability to connect syndicated content to Facebook and make the connection personal.… Read more
Everybody knows that Facebook is the undisputed king of social networking, it’s the world’s most visited website and almost every individual and business in the US has some kind of presence within it’s domain. As a result it has become easier than ever to reach out and connect with people you don’t know in real life, which can have some… Read more