Facebook: The Biggest Pump And Dump Ever?
Everyone has a Facebook page. Facebook quickly became one of the most used and talked about websites in the entire history of the internet. The immense popularity of Facebook is what lead investors all across the nation to be lured into investing heavily in Facebook stock when the corporation went public in the middle of May.
However it turns out investors should have listened to some of the underground rumblings telling them to hold off on investing in Facebook stock. Behind the scenes of Wall Street underwriters were manipulating the share value of Facebook stock, a factor that was widely over looked as a result of
Facebook’s overwhelming popularity and status in mainstream culture. Thus forth investing in Facebook rapidly turned catastrophic for many investors and Facebook’s premier on the stock market is sure to be remembered as one of the worst pump and dump fiascos in the history of the stock market. Check out the infographic below to learn all the factors and behind the scenes transactions that led up to Facebook’s stock market flop.
VIA: Penny Stock Trading Tips Blog
Topic is very interesting
Facebook can dump you… :p