Hottest News on Social Media

Facebook’s New Button

Button, button, who’s got the button? Facebook, that’s who. The popular social media site’s “Like” button has infiltrated the popular culture as well as proved to be a make-or-break for some people’s day, social status or mood in general. Now Facebook will rev it up a little bit with the creation of a new button for people to get happy clicking – the “Want” button.

I Want It!

How does the “Want” button work? Well, it’s not actually being used yet, but the way that companies hope it will work will actually tie in to your buying experience. You could possibly see something from an Amish furniture company, click “want,” and it could either be added to a wish list or a list of items you’ll actually be purchasing in the future. Could it be like Pinterest, where you could virtually add any item online to your Pinboard? Very possibly, depending on third party applications.

The “want” button could be a boon for companies. You could click the button, your friends see the things you “want,” they decide they like the same things, and may purchase some of the items. Social commerce is born! The button will be a win for everyone all around, according to experts and early critics.

The Negative

Sometimes we get weirded out when we log on to our Facebook page and see advertisements geared exactly to our tastes, needs and likes. The “want” button will be taking that one step further, and it may be an invasion of privacy for some people that may not want the world to know what is on their wish list, or what they have purchased.

Also, third parties will know what you “want” and what you purchase and your ads may change as a result. Your ads will be targeted to a very narrow demographic — you! This much information may be too much information for some Facebook users, but it is a dream come true for advertisers who will be able to base their ads on very specific products and “wants” that you have selected yourself!

Could It Be Good?

Say you don’t mind if Facebook knows every single thing about you, and you’re not worried about third parties having your information or knowing what products you like. The flip side of being worried about Facebook knowing too much, is feeling good that you are receiving ads about products you actually use, care about and would really buy as opposed to being bombarded with ads that you couldn’t care less about.

If you consistently purchase a product and you are targeted with an ad with a coupon for that product, that could be a good thing. Of course, these things don’t always work out as planned, so we’ll have to see the good to believe it.

The times that Facebook has implemented changes in the past (remember the Privacy changes?) haven’t exactly resulted in warm feelings. But the truth is, whether you like it or not, Facebook will make the changes that will benefit them the most, without thinking too much about what its users “want” or need.

Post contributed by CJ, a guest blogger who loves writing about anything from Facebook to an Amish furniture company.

Image Credit: 1.

Posted in Social Media News and Social Networking. Tags: , , ,

2 Replies

  1. Another button from facebook, they also changed the ads now and pages. Hopefully user can businesses can benefit from those changes, thanks for letting me know facebook changed their button. Haven’t read it yet :)

  2. Summer Sep 5th 2012

    First time to your site, it looks relatively useful to me, there is only one thing holding me back: The fact that your posts have no dates. I read this article but had no idea if this was new news or years old. FB changes a lot of things, a lot of times and it is important for me to be able to determine new content from old. So, just a suggestion.

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