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Instant Translation with the World Lens iPhone App

Developed by Quest Visual, the World Lends iPhone app is a real-time pocket-size translator that empowers you to translate any text from English to Spanish, and viceversa.
world lens app screenshot

A Potential Game Changer

Former video game code, 36-year older Otavio Good is the brains behind World Lens iPhone app. After selling his video game startup Secret Level to SEGA for $15 million in 2006, he started working on the idea for World Lens. Good was frustrated on working with paper dictionaries and electronic pocket translators to translate phrases during a trip.

This is the first augmented reality translation application that replaces text into the desired language in video without connection to the Internet. Because of its potential impact on international travel, Word Lens received significant amount of attentionollowing its release on December 16, 2010, including Wired, The Economist, CNN, The New York Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and MIT Technology Review.

world lens appenglish to spanish

About World Lens

Word Lens gives you translation on the go with no Internet connection required. This iPhone app is easy to use, just point and shoot like a regular camera to the signs or text that you want to translate. You can also look up text by typing it up. Good and his team are currently working on releasing more European languages and

Translate  from English to Spanish, and viceversa immediately with World Lens.
Download it at

By Damian Davila, blogger covering tech and gadgets at You can read more articles from Damian at SexySocialMedia here. Follow him on Twitter at @idaconcpts.

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6 Replies

  1. I’ve seen a YouTube video and shared it like million times! I find this absolutely amazing. I believe that machine translation will never be as good as the human, but this is as close as it gets.

    Revolutionary piece of technology!

  2. Awsm Post!!…..BTW from where do you get this kinda content..coz i hardly get any gr8 idea like this!!

  3. @homeforgeeks Thank you for the compliment. I get ideas from talks with techie friends and from trying to read as many publications as possible throughout the week.

  4. very nice app and useful

  5. Glad you liked it, Sai! :)

  6. once again thanks for sharing with us :)

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