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Lost and Weary Travelers Seek Refuge in Social Media

Recent aircraft cancellations resulting from volcanic ash have drawn people together more than was realized. Not only are people developing groups to commiserate on the recent termination of flights in European air space but also to assist fellow travelers.

Social media groups are popping up to assist stranded families, friends and neighbors. To take the frustrations out of being left out in the dark with no alternatives social media networks have arrived to save the day. Take for example the newly formed group When Volcanoes Erupt: A Survival Guide for Stranded Travelers offers topics including “lodging offers” that have names and addresses of people who are offering free lodging for stranded passengers.

With descriptions such as “anyone stranded at Seatac airport am offering free room and board” or “we have a kid-friendly extra bedroom” the humanity of the social network is pleasing to anyone with a computer and hook up.

Facebook is not the only social site to be stressed to its’ limit during the cancellation but Twitter has been ripe with recent posts. If people want action they take the fastest route and Twitter seems to be the fastest way to get the word around. Two of the biggest trends lately have been #getmehome hashtag that sends out tweets to connect people. Other big hits are the #roadsharing, #ashtag and #icerupt seem to be popular.

Then there is the #putmeup which is for stranded travelers looking for accommodations. With offers such as “place to stay 45 min from airport” people are opening their homes to weary vacationers and business people.

As one person succinctly put it “it is fascinating to see how social media is helping to achieve some very positive outcomes for travelers in distress”.

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2 Replies

  1. Yes i Know the feeling But i am in a little village in north eastern Thailand.
    And there are few European people here, and not much English spoken But i feel lucky to have the internet with what i can get in this area.


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