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Secret to Finding Hilarious Content From The Tumblr Humor Editor

1. LOL, the Internet is funny

Like Twitter, like Facebook, like WordPress, Tumblr is both publisher and innovator. Its blogging platform has breathed life into some of the strangest memes in recent years, including cheeseburger-nomming cats and inside-inside jokes with an audience that can be counted on one hand. Micro-niche Tumblrs are springing up like mushrooms across the Google landscape.

With so much variety online, Tumblr’s legion of editors has their work cut out for them. Jake Fogelnest, one of Tumblr’s humor editors, has an especially difficult job. Who’s to say what’s funny online? Humor, like art, is subjective.

Tumblr’s editors are hand-picked by Tumblr. They have to prove themselves to be excellent content providers before they can dictate who’s providing excellent content. The Tumblr FAQ even says that an editor position can’t be bought.

Fogelnest is king of the LOL tag. When he sees hilarity on Twitter, up to ten times a day, he can promote it with a hearty LOL. His background in entertainment is a boon, and he breathes pop culture comedy. As a comedian, he knows humor when he sees it.

But how?

2. LOL, humor is so serious

One of the keys to finding funny online is having a shifting sense of humor. It’s not enough to appreciate dry wit or to LOL at something slapstick. Remaining open to new things–and taking in what other people find funny–is important. If writers only stick to what they know, they’ll grow stagnant. Exploring new avenues can lead to unexpectedly hilarious content. New blogs, new images, new macros: each can offer up a giggle or two.

Of course, sometimes the crowd knows what it likes. Humor that strikes a chord will often be shared far and wide, over and over and over until it becomes viral and reaches epidemic proportions. Catching it ahead of the wave is hard, but knowing where to look–and having a few sources to turn to in a time of trend-watching need–can be a great help.

3. LOL, humor is personal

Fogelnest loves to share things based on his interests. He’s a DJ, a comedian, and his taste runs towards pop culture and entertainment.

He knows that humor is subjective. That what’s funny is fleeting. What hipsters makes hipsters split their vintage plaid pants today will be tres blah tomorrow. Fogelnest has to keep up with trends to try and scale the curve. It’s his job to keep one laugh ahead of the laugh track.

When writers let their interests lead, like Fogelnest’s experiences lead him to discovering funny new Tumblr content, they can find something that may inspire a spark of laughter in others. Never laugh alone.

4. LOL, that was funny

Hilarious content is practically a mainstay of the modern Internet. Lolcats, courage wolves, and double rainbows have entered the net-savvy lexicon. By sniffing around in new places and keeping an eye on the crowd, writers can find new content to share.

Life is a remix, and everyone likes a good LOL.

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4 Replies

  1. Humor is an art of expressing something that makes people laugh. And not of us has this kind of personality. But for some people its quite natural for them. They don’t need to squeeze to the max. As I say Tumblr people are gifted :)

  2. This is really so useful and excellent information to get quality content from Tumbler. Definitely I visit the link to get some quality content. Thanks for sharing the information.

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  4. Nice writeup πŸ˜‰ I also use google, if you type in things like “lmao” “lol” “funny” etc, and then click on images, it has a lot of good ones.

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