Super Bowl Coke Ad Begs the Question: “What Are U?”
The Super Bowl! The name pretty much says it all, and then some. For big brands and the ad persons who help them though, this week’s football extravanganza bears a bit of bigger scrutiny. AND, the lastest Coke Super Bowl Ad (Coke Chase) is a real doosey too, the game really boils down to what kind of Coke drinker you are.
For anyone who has ever been mesmerized by the thought (or ads of) a cool, ice cold, Coca Cola in the heat of Summer (or the desert) Super Bowl XLVII’s “You Decide the Endging” Big Game Ad is about as fun and interactive as any. For all you “Sexy Social Media” readers out there, there can be only one answer to the question, right?
Cowboys, showgirls, Mad Max–ish badlanders, all in heated (pun intended) pursuit of that rich sweet taste we all know and love. But hey, take the poll below form ProProfs, come on, it’s only a click! Then visit Coke’s game via the link to not only vote your favorite Coke pursuers, but you can also sabotage the ones you don’t like. Check the hashtags #CokeShowgirls, #CokeCowboys, and the dastardly #CokeBadlanders too on Twitter.
I love showgirls, can dance just like them.
Raised in Austin, TX on a ranch with cowboys like family.
But, my PhD husband, in his custom suits, is, at heart, a Badlander, a Motorcyle Man. That’s why I love him so much. He always leads life to the fullest, but his greatest gift is is heart, that he shares with me, and all he knows, but especially my children. Even if he doesn’t know someone, for instance, he buys prescriptions for aged ladies at our pharmacy as they count out change, buys them coats, pays for groceries for a mother who is putting food back at the checkout. To me, there is nothing bad at all about a Badlander, they just steer their own course through life, guided by a moral compass set due north. He has unbridled faith in God and Jesus Christ. He has a great gift, possesses no arrogance, loves living life to the max, and loves me with unquestioned heart and soul. He is my precious Big D, my Badlander.