Hottest News on Social Media

How to Optimize Your Facebook Cover Photos to Generate Leads

  • January 16th, 2014 by SEM Contributor
The presence of social media sites and the internet in general has given us a plethora of opportunities that were nonexistent just a few years ago. Have you even wondered why Television is so cheap, or why allot of well produced content on the internet is free? Well, it’s because of advertisement. As we move more and more towards the… Read more

Is Facebook Relevant to My Business?

  • June 7th, 2013 by SEM Contributor
According to research published by Mediabistro, 71% of social media users are more likely to purchase from businesses that they follow through social media. And since more than a billion people use Facebook, chances are that statistic applies to all of your potential customers. Because you can literally set up a Facebook page for free and tap into this… Read more

7 Online Psychological Tricks People Use To Manipulate On Facebook

  • April 3rd, 2013 by SEM Contributor
Facebook has made connecting and sharing with people you know online easier than ever before. Within a few clicks, you can have access to friends’ photos, activities, and work and life histories. Although social networking can be a great way to connect with others, sharing online is also an open platform for psychological tricks and manipulation. A look at some… Read more

4 Easy Methods to a More Appealing Facebook Page

  • December 12th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
Have you ever heard something like image is everything? Well, this is true in not only dating but also when it comes to marketing. In addition, someone once said, we all have one opportunity to make the first impressions. If you are using Facebook ads to help promote your business, you must better understand how you can make your page… Read more

5 Awesome Strategies to Increase Engagement on Facebook

  • December 3rd, 2012 by SEM Contributor
Let’s face it, Facebook is a powerful social media tool that no business owner can do without. Internet is the first interactive medium invented and Facebook is on top of the list when it comes to popular networking sites. In a matter of days or weeks, you can get access to thousands of Facebook users, which in turn can be… Read more

The Top 3 Ways To Expand Your Facebook Fanpage’s Reach

  • November 8th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
It is a well established fact Facebook fan pages have the power to drive customer engagement with brands if utilized correctly. However, it is not as simple as putting a page up and getting a lot of likes. In order to have increased customer engagement on Facebook, it is essential to maximize the reach of your brand. Reach simply means… Read more