Hottest News on Social Media

Make The Most Out Of A Facebook Fan Page

  • February 2nd, 2012 by SEM Contributor
It’s the time of embracing social media and allowing it to grow your business. Here are some of the most recent statistics about facebook. There are 350 million facebook users across the world of which 50% log in on any given day and spend an average of 55 minutes on it. And there are 1.6 million facebook fan pages that… Read more

A Properly Executed Facebook Fanpage Can Help Your Business

  • October 10th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Every business needs a social marketing plan. Social media has become as needed a tool as the telephone. Yes, if you are not using social media, you might as well not be using a telephone either. A properly executed Facebook Fanpage can make it much easier to grow your business and make more money. Social media is an important way… Read more

14 Ways To Promote Your Facebook Page

  • August 1st, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Facebook has become an important communications and marketing channel for many small businesses, many of whom could benefit from having more visitors to their pages. Unfortunately the average small business operator has neither the time nor the resources to promote Facebook pages like big business can but there are several simple things one can do to get more visitors. Include… Read more

How Far Does a “Like” Take You?

  • May 18th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Where has marketing gone? Is the day of big budget corporate executives debating the 4P’s gone? The same marketers that once scrambled to drive purchase decisions are now trying to simply acquire likes. Are they really that valuable? Well according to a research report, a Facebook like is worth a whopping $8 per like in terms of gross revenue… Read more

Improve Your Facebook Strategy Right Now with this ONE Thing

  • May 9th, 2011 by Jess Webb
Using Facebook as part of your marketing strategy to build your business can be a fairly daunting, if not overwhelming, undertaking. There is so much you can do on Facebook, and it would be EASY to waste hours every day on there just poking around, checking things out, replying to people, posting updates, and so on. So how do you make sure that you’re spending your time effectively on Facebook? What is the ONE key thing that you need to be doing and focusing on to improve your Facebook strategy?