Hottest News on Social Media

Is Social Media Leaving Your Home Insecure?

  • December 11th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
Whether you own or rent your residence, is it as secure as it should be? In many cases, individuals set themselves up for a break-in or worse by telling the world that they are not home. You’ve seen it before, check-ins, shares, tweets, announcing essentially that one is away from their residence, and that the timing may just be right… Read more

Safe Surfin’ Foundation Backs Film to Protect Children from Social Media Predators

  • September 18th, 2012 by SEM Contributor
We all know the dangers of the internet and social media to our children today.   Or do we?  “Finding Faith” has the goal of making sure we do and protecting as many children as possible. The Safe Surfin’ Foundation, one of the most well-known child internet safety organizations, is backing a brand new film.  Erik Estrada is their spokeman. Erik… Read more