Hottest News on Social Media

Phone App Good News for Foursquare Users

  • December 28th, 2010 by Tisha Tolar
Foursquare is releasing its retooled iPhone app just in time for Christmas. The popular location based social networking site has been working on the app and recent Twitter feeds such as “we just found an app approval in our stocking! New Foursquare early next week. Thanks #SantaJobs,” appeared in their Twitter feed. In addition to the usual the new iPhone… Read more

Pick Up Lines Go Social With ‘Singles Around Me’ App

  • November 26th, 2010 by Tisha Tolar
SinglesAroundMe can replace the standby phrase of  “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” and replace it with an upscale app to see where available singles are located. The hot new trend in apps is the geo-location applications to help find friends, potential friends and even now, potential mates. Lavalife and eHarmony, the heavy hitters… Read more