Hottest News on Social Media

Using Social Media For Reputation Management

  • April 16th, 2012 by Damian Davila
Many businesses go online and find out their reputations are being muddied by a few vindictive customers and some competitors running negative ad campaigns (that’s right, it’s not just for politics). There are any number of reasons why your company brand may receive negative attention in the news that can multiply exponentially and create trouble. Here are a few ways… Read more

Why Jobseekers And Facebook Shouldn’t Mix

  • March 23rd, 2011 by SEM Contributor
Having recently gone through the process of hiring a new employee in my own company, I feel I am in a position to give you some insight into how a Facebook profile can greatly impact on whether an applicant makes it through to the interview stage or whether their CV gets binned right there and then.
Whether they like to
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