Hottest News on Social Media

Top Twitter Blunders Actors Have Made

  • December 14th, 2011 by SEM Contributor
With the advent of social media it seems that actors have a whole new way to ruin their public images. The problem with these publicity outlets is that it’s all too easy to say something off-the-cuff and have no way to take it back. Ashton Kutcher and the Penn State Scandal When Ashton Kutcher heard that Penn State Coach Jo… Read more

Phishing, False Login, Sweepstakes, and Other Facebook Scams

  • December 16th, 2010 by Ann Smarty
I found out the other day that my grandmother uses Facebook. I was shocked when I saw an add request from a woman who finds electric mixers to be an unneeded extravagance…I didn’t even know she owned a computer! This shows clearly the change in technology, and the usability of social networking sites. From kids to adults of all ages,… Read more

@TigerWoods Twitter Is Updated After a Year

  • November 22nd, 2010 by Tisha Tolar
Tiger Woods Twitter account, @TigerWoods, has been dormant for quite sometime. Recently his almost 120,000 followers have been graced with one of his five tweets and Tiger has decided to dust off his Twitter account as he “Finally decided to try out twitter!” His Twitter account was opened in 2009 but has been inactive most of the past year while… Read more