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What is the New LinkedIn Targeted Status Updates Feature?

If you have been using social media and have been looking for new an improved ways for targeting options, then you deserve to learn more about the options provided to you by the new LinkedIn Targeted Status Updates.

If you’re wondering what is this that LinkedIn is doing with this new update, the answer is pretty simple and yet very powerful as these latest updates will allow you to target market several groups of people in a variety of industries and in various demographics. It is the one of the best features that any social media website has released to date for the online marketer.

The newest LinkedIn update allows you to create several groups in different industries and you can add up to 100 different groups at the same time. You can send out updates that are relevant to these groups and target your product or service that can increase traffic to your website and thus increase your overall sales. The LinkedIn Targeted Status Updates have been tested and shows that by using these new features it has increased engagement by up to 66 percent in the targeted market.

Another interesting feature of the newest update from LinkedIn is that you have the new follow insights, which give you a panel so that you can actually see the demographics of those you are target marketing to. This is quite useful because you can get a feel for where you may need to concentrate more or less on when it comes to your marketing efforts. Sending your status updates is something you should try to do at least 2 times each week. Keeping the message short yet have the most impact and has been proven most effective when marketing.

The latest updates by LinkedIn gives you the ability to have several groups with the capability of cross-promoting your products or services, which is quite helpful to see how this effect your overall traffic. Some employers are using this latest feature for employees to be kept in the know as those that are working for you can help spread the word about the product with their own personal networks.

The LinkedIn Targeted Status Updates is certainly an exciting roll out for SEO marketing and probably something that other social media websites will follow in an effort to be competitive. LinkedIn reaches millions of people globally so if you have your account set up begin a campaign that will help you gain followers in your target market so that you’re getting the right kind of traffic and followers.

Tom Bukacek is the CEO of Black Box Social Media, an online marketing company that utilizes the latest web 2.0 strategies for increasing brand awareness and helping small businesses get found online.  Tom is also an author; his most recent book “Marketing Miracles”, co-authored with the legendary Dan Kennedy, is due out this Fall.

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